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    Ancestral Healing

    Inner Experiences offers guided healing sessions to help you go within and connect with your vibrantly well and loving ancestors for self-discovery, healing and blessings for you and your entire family.


  • Connect with Your Wise Ancestors

    How connected do you feel to your ancestors? Their story is written in you bones. You are the canvas and a part of their continuing story. Even if you don't know the first thing about your people, their story is a huge part of your story.
    At Inner Experiences, we help you to connect with that story. We guide you through the process of connecting with your ancient and wise ancestors to bring vibrant, loving, healing energy into your life and the lives of your family. Through the process, you get to learn about the gifts, blessings, and burdens of your ancestral lineages. This can shed light on a deeper sense of who you are and what you're here to do. Being connected to your wise ancestors can change your life.


    Imagine having your own, personal team of wise, loving guides with an endless well of comfort, advise, and joy available to you whenever you need them. These are your ancestors. They love you and they have been waiting to connect with you.

    Discover Your People, Discover Yourself

    The ancestral healing process can reveal important insights about yourself and your family. Things like persistent emotions that don't speak to your lived experience, latent talents you may want to develop, or special relationships with affinity spirits like plants, animals or elementals. It can be a deeply enriching experience to discover these things about yourself and to feel them in relationship with your people - to realize that you are so very much like your people. Even if you have nothing in common with your actual living relatives, you have many, many ancestors who share core traits with you.


    Through the process of ancestral healing, you also develop your own intuition. The work takes place in your inner world as you are gently guided to connect with and commune with your loving ancestors. It is a wondrous experience to make that connection and to discover your way of accessing this type of communication. For some it is visual and for others it is more of a felt sense in the body. This ability is one that everyone has. You do not have to be psychic or "special" in any way. The world communicates with us all the time, we only need to learn how to listen. Ancestral healing is a fabulous way to deepen your own inner connection and fine tune your intuition.

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    Hi, I'm Michele!

    I am a nature-loving geographer, meditation coach and ancestral healing guide based in Sedona, Arizona. I help my clients find connection and healing using awareness practices and guided inner work, often outdoors among the red rocks and sacred energy of Sedona.


    Ancestral healing came into my life after I built my family tree in 2019. As I gazed upon the extensive network of names, dates, and documents, I intuitively knew the next step was ancestral healing. I was introduced to the work of Dr. Daniel Foor and was immediately hooked. I have since used his system to complete the lineage repair and healing work on eight of my ancestral lineages and am I trained to guide others through the same process.


    As a meditation coach, I am expert at guiding my clients into deep states of inner peace and connection. Combined with the in-depth practitioner training I've undertaken with Dr. Daniel Foor, I am able to safely and expertly guide my clients through the rich inner experience of ancestral healing work and support them through the process.


    My own people come from Ireland, Wales, England, and Germany and have added their stories to the land now known as the United States. I've discovered connections my ancestors have to trees, bees, caves, stars (and so much more!) and have come to deeply understand the resonance I have always felt with special places, people, nature spirits, and disciplines as these affinities run through my blood as living parts of my ancestral story.


    I believe with all of my heart that the process of coming back into connection and communication with our inner selves and the spirit world - which includes the ancestors - is how we begin to heal to the ecological and spiritual crisis we are in today.

  • Book a Session

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    Discovery Session

    Let's learn more about each other and see if we're a good match. Complementary 20-minute Zoom meeting.

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    Ancestral Healing First Session

    The first session is 90-minutes - $135. (Sliding pay scale available for those in need here.)

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    Ancestral Healing Regular Session

    60-minute session to continue the work - $105. (Sliding pay scale available for those in need here.)

  • FAQs

  • Blog & Videos

    Curious about ancestral healing? You'll learn more about it in this conversation with Michele and fellow ancestral healing practitioner, Trish Frazzini.
    2022年9月27日 · intuition,spirit guides
    Whether it's a nature spirit, an archangel, or an ancestral guide, working with spirit guides can be an incredibly rewarding part of your spiritual journey. In this video, I share with you a few key ingredients required to work with a spirit guide.
  • Get in Touch

    We'll contact you within 24 hours.